Hello Sweet Baby - Blue #TN071
Say Hello Baby with this delightful bouquet of fresh garden blooms in sweet white, blue, and yellow hues, designed and delivered in an adorable ceramic elephant that is just perfect for a new baby boy. Approximately 10 to 12 inches in width. Available for delivery in most METRO AREAS. Style of container may vary in some locales.
(Florist delivery in the
USA and Canada. For other countries, see
International flower delivery.
#TN071. Photo © Teleflora.)
Mylar Balloons
To make your gift a little extra special, you may add mylar (metallic style) balloons with an appropriate message for just $6.00 each (plus tax.) Simply indicate quantity, if any, below.
Teddy Bears
Add 1 or more plush Teddy Bears for just $19.95 (plus tax.) Simply indicate the quantity below.